
PlantCV is an open-source image analysis software package targeted for plant phenotyping. The PlantCV project was started at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in 2014, and is under active development—new functionality and tutorials are added regularly. Keep up to date on our progress via Twitter or follow us on GitHub.

If you have questions, bug reports, suggestions for new features, etc. please post to our GitHub issues page.

We encourage community contribution. See our guide for contributors, our code of conduct, and current list of contributors .


To cite PlantCV, see publications.


Phenotyping tools will be modular and reusable such that they can be combined and recombined with ease to build flexible workflows to quickly extract biologically-relevant data from images and sensors. These tools will be usable by both bioinformaticians/data scientists and biologists.


  • Provide a common interface for a collection of image analysis techniques that are integrated from a variety of source packages and algorithms.

  • Utilize a modular architecture that enables flexibility in the design of analysis workflows and rapid assimilation and integration of new methods.

  • Develop a network of users, collaborators, and contributors by developing openly in real-time in the cloud using an open-source framework to rapidly disseminate new methods.

  • Provide a simplified interface for users to utilize the underlying tools and build custom analysis workflows without significant experience with programming.

  • Utilize PlantCV as a tool for training researchers and students in image and data analysis techniques.


The PlantCV project values open communication and collaboration among stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. Through the PlantCV project we seek to highlight the valuable ideas and contributions of members of the community.
